The Worlingworth Mills
The Worlingworth Mills specifically refers to the two post-mills that were situated on the Great Green, close to the junction of Southolt Road and Finkle Street. These would not have been the only mills in the parish but may have replaced structures in other locations. There is some evidence for a mill on the parish boundary between Worlingworth and Athelington in late medieval times on land owned by the Borrett family.

Closer to the church and workhouse, there is also evidence, from the Tithe Apportionment Document of 1837, of a former mill on or near to New Road (also known as "the Horham Road"). Two fields adjacent to the road near Valley Farm were named Little Mill Field and Great Mill Field. The small river that follows the road there may have been the site of a water mill.

The photograph above dates from the early 20th century and shows the "New" mill, erected in 1863-1864. This mill was eventually dismantled in 1950. Just out of picture to the right is the roundhouse of the Old Mill.

This mill was purchased by the "Old Mill" mill owner, Samuel Meen, and brought from Hasketon. A note in a vestry minute book of 1864 records the "assessment of the New Mill and Granary, recently erected on the premises of Mr Samuel Meen and now in the occupation of Mrs Anne Moulton, at £20 gross value, £14 rateable value". It is probable that the Old Mill was becoming unserviceable - it would subsequently be turned into a "steam mill".

The family that occupied the Mill premises, the Mill Cottage, for over 50 years during the 19th century were the Moultons. Thomas Moulton came from Wilby and his family would buy Home Farm in New Town, whilst also operating the Old Mill.

According to Mr. William Juby in the East Anglian Miscellany, Moulton was nicknamed "the Jew" and he cut a forbidding figure to young schoolchildren who would cross the road to avoid him. He never wore shoes or socks, never shaved nor cut his hair but still tended to his lands and his mill in all weathers. The picture below of Moulton's grandson in 1916 (also Thomas) hints at the likely appearance of the grandfather many years before.

In this picture, Moulton is inspecting the family gravestones for damage after a terrible blizzard brought down the magnificent cedars at the entrance to the churchyard.

By the 1920s, the Worlingworth Mill came into the possession of William Greenard and a number of handsome photographs exist, dating back to the late 1930s, one of which is reproduced below.

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